Has anyone ever told you how amazing you are? You are unique, complex, intelligent, beautiful, full of personality, potential and talent. There is no-one like you, no-one with the same current make-up and future potential. You are a masterpiece!

And what about the baby inside of you?

Check it out! Did you know that at the very point of conception, all of the genetic material for every detail of human development was already present, including your child's gender? There is no-one like your baby, no-one with the same current make-up and future potential. Your baby has a whole host of talents, abilities and a unique personality just waiting to be made visible.

You are both incredibly valuable, precious and irreplaceable. No price could be attached to your life.No price could be attached to the life of your baby.

You may be wondering how to respond to your unexpected pregnancy. You may be wondering what is appropriate, given your current circumstances. Remember that an appropriate choice values both lives. Following through with your pregnancy may not be easy, but you and your baby are definitely worth it. Perhaps all you need is a little courage, support and the willingness to consider new possibilities.




Psalm 139:16

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Doris' Story – Down Syndrome


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