Sometimes it can all seem a bit overwhelming. Circumstances are out of control and you can't see clearly anymore. So how can you possibly make any kind of helpful decision in this state and how can you possibly have the strength to keep going?

You've probably noticed by now that this website has a slight bias. (And yes we do admit it.) The reason we have the strength to do what we are doing. The reason we are able to believe that change is possible – that you can actually do this!!! The reason we're here is because we have a huge hope inside us. And this hope doesn't come from ourselves.

The previous page is about how we can't do it alone. We need friends along the journey, we need each other. But more than that – what we REALLY need – is far beyond that.


This is talking about those who hope in God – the One who made us all. He is our real hope and real strength!!! He is the one that can pull us through when we have nothing left.

God has plans to give you hope and a future. Tomorrow is known by God already. He can be trusted. God made you and He knows you better than you know yourself. He sees you as incredibly valuable, regardless of what people say to you.

Each one of us at Embrace are immensely grateful for the difference God has made in our lives. We've all had rough days and rough seasons, and we honestly don't know how we would have got through it without God. He is real and He makes the difference!

God may not have been presented in the best light by those around you. Maybe you've been hurt and wondered where God was or maybe you are not even sure He is real. It might be hard to read this page with so many conflicting thoughts.

Many of us at Embrace have been in your shoes before. So just relax. You might not get all your questions answered right now, but you may just find the beginning of a hope that blows you away and lifts your horizon from despair to real life.

You may never have read anything like this before, or you may have gone far away from God. So why should you listen? And how do you know this is all true?


Popular opinion is always changing, but this message has nothing to do with popular opinion. It is based on something far more authentic and reliable.


The Word of God, or the Bible is the source of this message. It is an amazing book on God and His desire for us to know him again. It does not change with popular opinion. It stays the same. It is as relevant today as it was at any other time in history. The Word of God has the power to change your life and your world!

You have to step out first though and put your hand in His. The Bible

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4:8

The ball's in your court…

Woah! You might not have been expecting to read this all here on this website. You might not have encountered anything like this before. You might be open, but need time to consider these thoughts. Or you may be excited and ready to take His hand. Or maybe you just want to live life your own way and forget what you've read. Whatever you do, it's your choice.

It would be remiss of us, though, to leave you hanging, without an opportunity to experience the hope that we have found and are grateful for every day. And it would be remiss of us, to not share an opportunity to discover God's word, which has the power to change your life.


An Invitation to be Refreshed...

Because of this, we'd like to invite you to a special night called 'Refresh'. Every week a bunch of women gather together to explore the Bible together. At 'Refresh' we gradually read through a book of the Bible week by week in a way that is exciting, inspiring and also relevant for everyday living.

Refresh Online

The evenings are relaxed. We sit on lounges with cups of tea, coffee and a yummy supper, surrounded by beautiful décor. There is a mix of all ages of women – married and single alike. All are welcome. Some women feel comfortable to participate with questions and comments, whilst others prefer to just listen.

At 'Refresh' we are just normal everyday women who love God and the Bible and want to learn more. And we'd love to have you journey with us, as we discover more about our amazing God and His plans.

So just come as you are – whether you know anything about God and the Bible or not. You are totally welcome.

The Details:

Day/Time: Tuesday, 7:30pm for 7:45 start.
Finishes 9:30pm (Not during school holidays)

Location: 'The Hub', Kingston City Church,
316-322 Kingston Road, Clarinda




Love Letter


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